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A form of useSnap that lets you perform a calculation on your state and further optimize control of your re-renders. Your component will not re-render unless the result of your calculation has changed. See useSnap first to gain an understanding of selectors.

const state = {    
name: 'Bob',
numberOfVisits: 0

const LoyaltyDisplay : FC = React.memo(() => {
const isFrequentVisitor = useProjectedSnap(
state => state.numberOfVisits,
state => state.numberOfVisits > 10);
return (
<div>Is frequent visitor: {isFrequentVisitor}</div>

The selector monitors changes to numberOfVisits and when that value changes, the projection is run to see if the person is a loyal customer. If the previous render already marked the person as loyal, and they visit again, the component will not need to re-render.

This may seem verbose, but it allows you to completely control when subscriptions fire as well as have different data in your projection calculation than your subscription.

As usual, there is an optional argument for a dependency list.