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Recording Proxy Utilities


isProxy(obj: any): boolean

Returns whether obj is a reference to a recording proxy or not.


tryGetProxy<T>(obj: T): T | undefined

Returns the current recording proxy for obj if one exists. If obj is a reference to a proxy, then obj is returned.


ensureProxy<T extends object>(obj: T) : T

If no recording proxy for obj exists, then one is created and returned. If obj is a reference to a proxy, then obj is returned.


asOriginal<T>(obj: T): T

If the obj parameter is a recording proxy, the underlying object being recorded is returned. If obj is not a proxy, then obj is returned.


areSame(one: any, two: any): boolean

Returns if one and two are the same object. If either object is a proxy, the underlying object is used for the comparison.

Equivalent to asOriginal(myObject) === asOriginal(otherObject)


doNotTrack<T>(obj: T): T

Disables proxy generation and change tracking for an object. This is useful for when you store references to 3rd party instances in your state tree that don't behave well when proxied.

Untracked objects in your state tree will not return proxies from their child properties.

Untracked objects will behave differently with some utility functions which will treat the object as its own "proxy."

  • tryGetProxy - will return the untracked object.
  • ensureProxy - will return the untracked object, and no proxy will be generated.

isProxy will return false for untracked objects.



getPatchSource<T>(patch: Patch): any

Returns the object from which the patch was calculated.